Friday, April 23, 2010

And the winner is...

Ashley was the 5th to sign up, so CONGRATULATIONS on your "I love lavender" win! Ashley, please send me your postal address at As soon as I have it, I'm sticking the package in the mail! (p.s. -- I'm really glad you won; I know you've been having a tough week or two...)

For the rest of my readers, don't give up...I found something -- a must-have -- the other day and I'm considering doing another giveaway quite soon (What? Has she gone giveaway-crazy?). Yes, I might have. It's too much fun.

Happy Friday, everyone! I might do another post later. Feeling chatty today.

1 comment:

ashley said...

Yay! This makes me happy! I am emailing you right now! :-)