Tuesday, May 25, 2010

And the itch goes on

Despite the fact that I do NOT currently have ICP! I was told today that my "bile acids are within normal ranges" so for right now, I'm in the clear. Of course, if my itching continues, I'm going to push for re-testing along the way, since the doctor told us last week that if I were to be diagnosed with ICP, it would be a very early catch. I don't want this possibility discarded if it could "become true" at some later point in time.

Not that I'm borrowing trouble...no, I'm just still ITCHING. Honestly, I haven't been this miserable since first trimester. I almost hoped to get the diagnosis of ICP so that we could have an early C-section and end this troubled pregnancy sooner rather than later. Is that terrible? I hope I'm not a terrible mom because truthfully, I want what's best for my baby, regardless. I just also happen to want to function again. Every hour of every day, I have to choose severe itching and some limited physical ability and clarity of thought, or relief from itching and an absolute surety that I'll be zonked out for several hours from taking the medicine. I don't want to have to choose, and I also really don't want to feel like choosing between my baby's safety and my sanity.

In other news (and I crave other news...messages and calls and just anyone willing to get me thinking on other things for awhile), our good friends Preston and Misty had their baby girl, Abigail, last night. She's a healthy and LARGE 9 pounds, 6 ounces! I love sharing this because Preston is the person who urged Marty to open an eHarmony account, so you can see why exactly I adore Preston. What's even better is that when he saw how things worked out for Marty, Preston got himself an eHarmony account and met Misty a few weeks later, and a few weeks after that, they eloped!!! So it's very special to share the arrival of another "eHarmony baby," along with our Will and soon, Lucy. Have you seen the commercial that says 1 in every 5 relationships now begins online? It's a new age, kids!

In yet other news, I'll be making a pretty big announcement later this week or early next. I'm excited to share it but some things are still in the works. Stay tuned!

Thank you to everyone who has been praying with us. Please keep doing so. I need strength and endurance to make it to August. Love to all!


Sarah said...

I am so glad to hear that you don't have cholestasis. That is awesome news. The bad side is that you still have to deal with the unexplainable itchies and not much to do about it. Oh, sister, I am with you.

I can't imagine what this big announcement is going to be??? Hmmm.... interesting! Can't wait to hear!

The Shabby Princess said...

Oh no! Prayers your way to stop the itchies.

love you sugar!!

PS. Baby gift in the mail this weekend--SWEAR!

Kristen said...

Please, PLEASE say that Marty got a job and you're moving to Indiana! PLEASE! (and if I'm right, I want a call immediately)

Debbie said...

Aww, Becky, I haven't stopped by in so long. I am so glad to hear good news once again that little Lucy is doing well, although I am so sorry you're miserable :( That Benadryl hazziness is the pits and probably doesn't completely take away the itch either. You're getting so close...I hope you become more comfortable soon so you can enjoy the rest of this pregnancy.

Becky said...

I would LOVE nothing more than to make THAT particular announcement, but alas, it's not that. I think you will hear my whoop all the way from Tennessee when that happens!

Dawn Williams said...

I'm happy you don't have the ICP, but I sure wish your itchies would go away!!! Hang in there my friend. I'm know you are already wanting this over with, but for the sake of your healthy baby and your wallet, try to hang in as long as you can. As any parent of an early delivery/NICU baby can testify, EXPENSIVE problems can crop up with an early delivery. Even with good insurance, the bill that arrives at your house can cause heart palpations! It certainly motivated me to be patient and PRAY for a longer pregnancy this time! Even when I'm miserable and can't stand being pregnant anymore...