Monday, May 17, 2010

Calling all girlfriends...

It's bad enough being so far away from girlfriends where we currently live, but sometimes it gets REALLY bad. Case in point:Therefore, I am sending out a girlfriend's 911: PLEASE oh PLEASE, would someone come visit me the evening of May 27th and/or come for that weekend so that I don't have to go alone to see my beloved Carrie Bradshaw all by myself? Or drag dearest Hubby along? I will even pay half of a plane ticket!!! (BTW: this is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill, nor am I joking. I really want a girlfriend to go see this movie with me. In case you haven't picked that up by now.)


Kate said...

Hysterical...what a splendid idea! I would so love to go see it with you opening night but we are out of town that whole weekend. You HAVE to move closer ASAP.

Kristen said...

As much as you know that I would love to spend time with you, I couldn't as much as name the characters from SATC.

Sarah said...

I would so be there if I wasn't carrying these babies!! :)

Becky said...

Kristen -- friend, your SATC reckoniong is coming. One day I will own every episode, and one day we will sit down and watch them all together. If you've been subjected to Star Trek marathons (and I know you have) it's about time you had a SATC marathon. Although we might have to look the other way (ahem) during the (ahem) non-Christian parts. Ha!!!

Unknown said...

Oh, Becky...please don't hate me, but I'm SO not a fan of SATC! Now, if you wanted to spend a weekend watching a movie marathon of quality Jane Austen adaptations (or gladiator movies--just sayin'), I'd be there in a heartbeat!

~Ellen~ said...

So EXCITED about the movie...I think you should come to Indy that weekend....:)