Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday Daybook

(Has it really been since June that I did one of these?)

Outside: Gray and drizzly, but in a soft and comforting way. "Will's tree" (right outside our loft windows) is still hanging on to some orange and rust-colored leaves. It's gorgeous.
Thinking: About all the things I need to get accomplished before we head off for Thanksgiving celebrations in Indiana this weekend (staying the whole holiday week). The list is always massive to try to get 4 people packed (especially 2 babes) and leave a clean house. Feeling overwhelmed.
Thankful: For so much. Things in my life are so far from perfect, there are times I just want to weep. I know I harp on it all the time, but the distance from family and friends is so wretched. But really, other than that, my life is swell. Busy and chaotic and crazy at times, but truly swell.
Reading: Tim Gunn's Golden Rules: Life's Little Lessons for Making It Work. Destined to be a classic. I *heart* Tim Gunn.
Hoping: To be able to catch up to this blog. I want to write a little every day. In order to do so, I have to let go of my perfectionist tendencies. I usually pass on writing because I don't have time to make it perfect. But there's no time for perfect in a life with 2 under 2!!!
Hearing: Cars on the wet pavement. Cartoons. Lucy cooing. Will trying to make "vroom-vroom" kinds of noises for his cars. He's really into sound effects -- and anyone who will take the time to make them for him!
Favorite things: Dunkin' Donuts coffee. Lucy giving us the (very) occasional sleep through the night. Clean sheets. Pulling out new outfits from Lucy's wardrobe for her to wear. Will's face when he hears Daddy's key in the lock. Discovering new art/artists, like Brandi Carlile (spelling correct there). You must listen to her song "The Story."
Will: My Puppy is endlessly curious and I just love it. Even though sometimes that means I clean up messes, I love to watch him finger an object for the first time, turning it over and over in his hands, trying to figure it out. He still doesn't verbalize a whole lot, but we know his vocabulary is growing by the number of things he can identify. His latest favorite? Birds.
Lucy: My girl is getting so big, so fast. She is trying to sit up now! I'm considering pulling out the Bumbo seat already. Also, no matter how much I bundle up this child, she constantly has cold hands. I hate it, although her pediatrician says it's fine and normal.

p.s. Thanks to Kate for the idea to have Will and Lucy categories. I'm shamelessly copying!


Kate said...

Yea for daily blogging! Looking forward to it. And I shamelessly copied Cayla, so hey. It's all good.

Kristen said...

Yay for the Daybook! I have to say that I love these posts the best. Maybe it's my freakish need for order (in a life that isn't all that ordered), but the categories just make my heart happy.

My fave part? Will's tree. I've never heard anyone refer to a tree like that, but us. Our Simon's tree was planted on the day he was born (a builder happenstance) while we were in the hospital. I needed an update on our house after delivery, so Matt went to look and there it was! Now, 10 1/2 years later, it's outside his window growing big just like him. Love you, come home!

p.s. this little "cottage" was our 5 year house, 3 kids ago! HA!

Anonymous said...

I read what you wrote about bringing out the Bumbo seat, and I just burst into laughter! You know what I'm talking about. :)

Becky said...

@my sister: Oh my stars. I never laughed so hard in my life. When we're up for Thanksgiving let's review the tape again. :)

The Shabby Princess said...

I hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving visit at home. I know how much you miss Indiana.

I'm just saying, if you moved to Texas, we'd at least be close. :)

love you!